The exact amount of money that will be required to prosecute a case is impossible to predict in advance. The money that we spend to work your personal injury case is our money first, and we recognize that if your case is lost, we are not likely to see that money again. We spend the money that is necessary to successfully prosecute the case and hopefully no more. One of the advantages of hiring an experienced Chicago personal injury lawyer is the we have the background which helps us determine what money must be spent to make a case successful.There are a number of variables which go into the amount of money which is spent:
- The complexity of the issues in the case — complex cases such as medical malpractice cases, nursing home abuse and neglect cases, product liability cases, or construction accidents tend to cost more money to prosecute than simple cases such as car accidents or dog bite cases due to the necessaity of hiring expert witnesses;
- The amount of money at issue — in cases where significant damages are being sought, the insurance companies will go to greater lengths to minimize the amount of damages they will have to pay;
- How far in the legal process the case goes before resolution — cases that are tried to verdict tend to cost much more money than cases of similar size and complexity which are settled before a lawsuit is filed or shortly after suit is filed. In cases that are tried to verdict, approximately 60% of the money which is spent on the case is spent in the last 6 months before trial.
As you can see, there is lot that goes into how much in case file expenses are likely to be incurred. We have spent as little as a few hundred dollars to amounts in excess of $100,000.In every case, our goal is to put as much money in your pocket as possible. We can assure you that we are very careful about avoiding spending money unnecessarily.