Whenever you find out that there may be a claim or a lawsuit against you for any kind of accident, whether someone slips and falls at your home or if you are in a car accident, you should notify your insurance company as soon as possible. The number for contacting your insurance company will be on your insurance card or policy. If you cannot figure out how to do this, contact your agent, but you should not rely on the agent to turn the claim over to the insurance company. Failing to promptly notfiy your insurance company of the claim may result in a loss of coverage.If you did not have valid insurance coverage on the car that you were driving at the time, you should let the other driver’s lawyer know this, so that they can pursue an uninsured motorist claim under the other driver’s own policy. This is the only set of circumstances where you should contact the other driver’s insurance. Otherwise, you should let your insurance company handle everything for you.