There are several types of help you’ll need after an auto accident in Naperville, Illinois. Medical is the most immediate and obvious, but you’ll also most likely be seeking the help of police, mechanics, and witnesses to your accident. In regards to being compensated for your damages through an Illinois personal injury claim, however, you may have to seek legal help.
Filing an Illinois Personal Injury Claim
Car insurance is the main method of seeking compensation for your damages after you’ve suffered serious injury in an auto accident in Naperville, Illinois. To file an Illinois personal injury claim you could contact the insurance company directly, but this will put you at a disadvantage.
The insurance adjuster may seem like they want to help in any way possible, but remember that their loyalty lies first to their employer. Insurance companies don’t exist to pay out huge settlements to their clients; they’re in the business to keep money in their pockets. Therefore, you need the help of someone focused on fighting for your right to a fair settlement.
A Naperville, IL auto accident lawyer will work for your best interests when it comes to settling your Illinois personal injury claim. Most victims don’t immediately understand how their injuries will impact them long term which makes them accept an initial settlement that only pays for current damages.
Your Settlement Covers Your Future Needs
After the trauma and frustration of suffering serious injury from an auto accident in Naperville, Illinois, you’re probably ready for some good news. Don’t let yourself be falsely appeased by a settlement that merely covers your current medical bills and lost wages. An experienced Naperville, IL auto accident lawyer knows from experience that most auto accident injuries create expenses well beyond the initial treatment and recovery.
A truly fair settlement for your auto accident not only covers the current damages you’ve suffered, but also estimates a fair amount for future losses and expenses.
These can include future medical treatments, ongoing care, long-term wage losses, and permanent disability.
The best avenue of help for filing and fairly settling an Illinois personal injury claim is with a Naperville, IL auto accident lawyer. You don’t want to go through the frustrating process of filing your Illinois personal injury claim just to be denied a settlement or receive a low offer.
You’re not alone when it comes to seeking help after a serious auto accident in Naperville, Illinois. It’s always comforting to work with someone who’s dealt with a case similar to yours, and a Naperville, IL auto accident lawyer can bring you that experience.
When to Hire a Naperville, IL Auto Accident Lawyer
An auto accident in Naperville, Illinois, can leave you and your family suffering from serious injuries and losses. It can be frustrating trying to cope with all the bills, expenses, and appointments after a serious accident. When you’ve never been in this situation before, it’s hard to know who to turn to for help.
At the Law Offices of Barry G. Doyle, P.C, our Naperville, IL, auto accident lawyers will examine all aspects of your accident, determine liability, and aggressively pursue the full amount of compensation due to you for any injuries or loss you may have suffered as a result of your auto accident.
Before you make any decisions, request a free copy of our accident guide, When You Are Injured – The Insider’s Guide to Illinois Accident Law. When you’re ready to file a claim, we offer a free case evaluation and help preparing your evidence. Contact us today – 312-263-1080.
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