If you have been seriously injured because of a failure to diagnose a serious medical condition, you should know that this is a common form of medical negligence. Sometimes, doctors will under diagnose a condition or they may completely miss a medical condition. This can happen for a number of reasons, but when medical negligence is involved, you may be eligible to file an Illinois medical malpractice claim to recover damages for the injuries you’ve sustained.
An experienced Chicago medical malpractice lawyer can help determine if medical negligence played a part in your injuries and help you file an Illinois medical malpractice claim. Additionally, your Chicago medical malpractice lawyer can gather the necessary medical evidence to prove your claim and defend your best interests throughout the claims process.
Overview of Under Diagnosis or a Failure to Diagnose
Under diagnosis or a failure to diagnosis a medical condition can occur for a variety of reasons. If a healthcare provider is not knowledgeable about a particular type of disease or disorder, they may fail to recognize symptoms. Other times, a patient’s symptoms appear to be mild or are vague, so a healthcare provider may not be eager to further investigate the cause. They may decide that a patient should “wait it out.” If the doctor has missed a serious medical condition, it can lead to injuries or even death.
There are also situations where a disease or a disorder is rare, so a healthcare provider may not consider testing for it, possibly due to the expense of the tests involved.
No matter what leads to an under diagnosis or a failure to diagnose you may have a valid Illinois medical malpractice claim if you have been seriously injured as a result of your physician failing to correctly diagnose your condition.
Consequences of Under Diagnosis or a Failure to Diagnose
The consequences of under diagnosis or a failure to diagnose can be devastating. This can lead to delayed treatment for a medical condition which can put the patient’s life at risk. A doctor’s failure to diagnose may result in the patient unduly suffering.
If a healthcare provider has failed to properly diagnose your medical condition and it led to serious injuries, you may be eligible to file a medical malpractice claim. Medical malpractice claims require substantial evidence to prove medical neglect and will likely be met with a team of lawyers who are not interested in settling your claim for a fair amount.That is why you should consult with an experienced Chicago medical malpractice lawyer who can help defend your best interests during the malpractice claims process.
Under Diagnosed Conditions Due to Lack of Awareness
Some medical conditions may be difficult for a physician to diagnose. This may be because of a lack of information available or that a doctor is not familiar with certain medical conditions.
Some of the conditions that are under diagnosed due to a lack of awareness include:
- asthma;
- depression;
- sleep disorders;
- infectious diarrhea;
- lactose intolerance;
- fecal incontinence; and
- polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
How a Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer Can Help
With the help of an experienced Chicago medical malpractice lawyer, you can determine if you have a valid Illinois medical malpractice claim. Your attorney can also inform you of any challenges your claim may face and walk you through each step of the process.
Contacting a Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer
If you have been injured because a doctor has under diagnosed your condition, you should immediately contact an experienced Chicago medical malpractice lawyer to learn more about your legal options for filing an Illinois medical malpractice claim. At the Law Offices of Barry G. Doyle, P.C, our Chicago medical malpractice lawyer team will examine all aspects of your claim, determine liability, and aggressively pursue the full amount of compensation due to you or your loved one for any injuries or loss of life that are the result of medical malpractice. Contact us today for a free case evaluation – 312-263-1080.