When you undergo surgery, you do so with the trust that the surgeon and medical team will do everything they can to ensure a safe and successful outcome. Having a surgical procedure is enough of a concern without having to worry about the potential of becoming the victim of a surgical error. Such an instance of medical malpractice can lead to further injury, both physical and emotional.
If you have been the victim of a surgical error, you may be eligible to file a medical malpractice lawsuit. A Chicago medical malpractice lawyer can help determine if medical negligence played a part in your surgical error.
Common Surgical Errors
A surgical error can worsen any condition that necessitated surgery. Some of the most common surgical errors include:
- Errors in administering anesthesia;
- Performing the wrong operation;
- Performing surgery on the wrong patient;
- Performing surgery on the wrong area or side of a patient;
- Infection caused by unsterile environment; and
- Puncturing or perforating an organ.
One of the most alarmingly common surgical errors occurs when objects are left inside patients. This is also referred to by medical personnel as having a “retained foreign object.”
Overview of Surgical Error:
Objects Left Inside PatientsIt may be hard to believe, but objects left inside patients are a common type of surgical error. For example, according to a 2003 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, medical professionals leave behind a sponge or other foreign object in 1 of 1,000 to 5,000 of the surgeries performed on the abdomen.
The types of objects that are often left inside patients include:
- needles;
- clips;
- electrosurgical adapters;
- blades;
- cotton;
- sponges;
- gauze;
- clamps; and
- other surgical instruments.
Of all of these, sponges are the most common object left inside patients. In some surgeries, as many as 600 sponges can be used.
When you undergo surgery to correct one problem, you don’t expect another problem to develop. However, this can happen when a surgeon leaves behind an object inside a patient, otherwise known as “retained foreign object.” It is devastating to know that you underwent surgery for one condition and later discover that another surgery must be done to address a health professional’s surgical error.Recovery from the original surgery is already difficult. And added complications from objects being left inside a patient may worsen the situation. Some complications that can result from an object being left inside a patient include:
- Infection;
- severe pain;
- abscess;
- damage to organs, blood vessels, tissue and muscle;
- obstruction to intestines;
- damage to nerves;
- blood clots; and
- internal bleeding.
In the most extreme cases, death may occur as a result of this medical negligence. There is an increased risk if the object left inside a patient is not immediately discovered.Patients may also face emotional complications after such a devastating experience. If you have been the victim of an object being left inside your body after surgery, contact a medical malpractice lawyer in Chicago who can talk to you about your legal options for financial recourse.
Contacting a Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer
At the Law Offices of Barry G. Doyle, P.C, a Chicago medical malpractice lawyer will examine all aspects of your claim, determine liability, and aggressively pursue the full amount of compensation due to you or your loved one for any injuries or loss of life that are the result of medical malpractice. Contact us today for a free case evaluation – 312-263-1080.