There are three grounds for filing a worker’s compensation case in Illinois. These include:
- When the accident occurs in Illinois. For most injured workers, this is what happens because their place of employment is in Illinois. However, this would apply to people who are involved in a car accident in Illinois as they drive through on a business trip or to an executive who is injured in a slip and fall accident in an Illinois hotel while attending a business meeting;
- If their contract for hire was formed in Illinois. This may apply to workers who were hired in Illinois, but assigned to work in another state.
- If their principal place of employment is in Illinois. This might include workers such as truck drivers who operate out of a terminal in Illinois or pilots or flight attendants who are based out of O’Hare or Midway Airport.
Illinois worker’s compensation law provides injured workers more protection and better benefits than many other states, so if you have a chance to have your worker’s compensation case resolved under Illinois law, it may be more advantageous for you to do so. If you have questions, you should be careful to consult with an experienced Chicago worker’s compensation lawyer.