There are some cases that can be settled out of court without having to file a law suit, but many of the cases that our law firm accepts are ones which will eventually require filing a law suit. However, when we believe that a case can be resolved out of court without filing a law suit, we will certainly attempt to do so. As experienced Chicago personal injury lawyers, there are some cases which we know from experience have little or no chance of being settled prior to filing suit or where we know from experience that the client would benefit from filing suit early in order to ensure a successful result. These include:
- Nursing home abuse and neglect and medical malpractice cases, as these cases seldom if ever are settled without filing a lawsuit;
- Third party liability law suits, as there are often complicated legal issues resolving both the worker’s compensation cases and the liability case;
- Slip and Fall accidents, in order to ensure that the proper defendant is identified;
- Dangerous industrial products, in order to get court orders to preserve the remains of the defective product;
- Train derailments, also to get court orders to preserve evidence;
- Car accident cases involving either low quality insurance companies (such as Safeway, American Service, or other substandard auto insurance carriers) or insurance companies that often refuse to address claims in a reasonable way (such as State Farm or Allstate, as experience has taught us that trying to resolve cases with these insurance companies pre-suit is frequently a wasted venture;
- Wrongful death cases or accidents where there are serious injuries, as there is usually little chance of resolving these fairly pre-suit.
Our goal in handling every case is to resolve the case fairly for the client with a minimum amount of delay. If we believe that filing suit will help achieve that goal, we will file suit at the earliest appropriate time.