As a matter of practice, our firm advances the case file expenses necessary to work the case up. However, those costs must be paid back to us at the end of the case. The case file expenses are separate and must be paid in addition to the contingency fee.For example, if we recovered $15,000 for you in a car accident case and spent $400 working the case up, the fee would be $5,000 (1/3 of $15,000) and you would have to repay us the $400, so you would end up with a net of $9,600 from your settlement.If your case is lost, technically, you would be responsible for reimbursing us the case file expenses that we advanced on your behalf. However, as a practical matter, we do not expect to be repaid and we have not to date pursued a client for case file expenses when we have closed out a case or lost a case.The ability to fund a case is one of the factors you should keep in mind when hiring a personal injury attorney.