No, we offer a free consultation to everyone who schedules an appointment. Before we schedule an appointment to meet with us at our office, your home, or some other place we agree upon, we will have a fairly detailed discussion over the phone to try to make sure that your case is right for our law firm. There is no benefit to you or our law firm in scheduling an appointment for you to come to our office if you have a legal problem which we cannot help you with. However, there are times when either we or the potential client decide at the initial meeting that their case is not a good fit for our law firm and we decide to part way. When that happens, our view is that the time spent at the initial meeting was time well-spent making a determination as to whether we and the client were a good fit for one another, and when it turns out not to be the case, it is best to determine that sooner rather than later. Virtually all of the people we have in for initial consultations become clients of the firm, and the time spent in the initial free consultation is covered in the contingency fee agreement.